Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Well, it's been a long time since I've last written here or anywhere, for that matter. The past few months have been pretty nice and relaxing. I graduated exactly a week ago and I'm pretty happy about that. I imagine transferring to a different school or moving away to be how graduation felt like. I just guess my lack of emotion towards graduation attributes to me staying local. Even if I was going out of state, it's not like I would miss all 43,346 of my acquaintances/friends. I'd just miss the friends because the way I see it, people and their "acquaintances" all carry a mutual-disposability to which they wouldn't mind if the other moved half-way across the world; or maybe it's just me. Overall, I'd say the perfect word to describe graduation would be: refreshing. Grad Nite wasn't too bad either, with the right people and some inspiration. Lately, my cousin and I have been on a car-hunt and it's been hard to find cars that meet our specifications. After these past couple months, I think I know almost everything about buying/selling cars and what cars are "good" or not, according to my cousin's assessments. Another revelation I've recently struck up is how the entire tv/movie business works, or at least how it generally works, after watching a couple of seasons of Entourage. And until I am shown that the show may not an accurate representation of how showbiz works, I will hold true to the impression I've received from Entourage. Great show by the way, just starting on season 4. With all that said, it's going to be a long, long summer (school starts late-September!) and with no major plans so far, I plan to chill.

Currently listening to: Me Again - Dom Kennedy

PS- Future Steve, tomorrow was/is going to be one of the biggest sporting events you've ever watched. Boston @ LA (the Lakers, just in case the Clippers end up being the Los Angeles basketball powerhouse in the future....haha) for game 7 of the 2010 NBA Finals. With Perkins out and the game being at Staples, the balance has been thrown off and LA has a legitimate shot at being the team to be drenched in cheap liquor following tomorrow's game. I'm all ready to buy a championship shirt. Also, Korea plays Argentina in 5 hours (World Cup) and although soccer bores the hell out of me, I found it in my heart to show out for the motherland. Goodnight!

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