Monday, September 19, 2011

Hop on the Thought Train

-Damn, this Starbucks green tea latte distinctly smells like fish.

-The Emmy committee, or whoever the fuck, has repeatedly robbed Steve Carrell. Modern Family and Ty Burrell are awesome, but they have several more years left on air. Also, Breaking Bad's omission  (Season 4 aired after the eligibility period...or something like that. Same with Curb.) was a bit disappointing. Lastly, I would love to see Parks & Rec and Louie get some Emmy gold in the next couple of years.

-It took me a good 15 seconds to spell "committee". THREE double consonants?! Had no idea that was possible.

-Marshmallow Pebbles is currently the most underrated cereal available in stores.

-Saw a hipster chick ironically have the Bible under her favorite books on Facebook. But if you think about it, the Bible is easily one of the most fascinating pieces of work out there. Here's a mass collection of short stories (who knows how off the translations are from the original scriptures...) that billions have believed to be true, does that not elicit the slightest bit of interest? And the stories don't suck either; there has to be a certain threshold of interest if you're aiming for the complete, lifelong devotion of the masses, no? Jesus, religion keeps coming up, but it's just too damn intriguing. Pun sort of intended.

-I wanna marry Jenny Lee Lindberg.

-Epiphany: Season 1 Walter White = Ned Flanders

-I should buy a George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine tomorrow.

-Thinking about introducing "rad" into my vernacular...

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