Monday, December 17, 2012

Playlist #45

WINTER BREAK HAS BEGUN!!! Really looking forward to this one. But without further ado...

1. In My Continental - Atmosphere
2. Michael A Grammar - Broadcast
3. Transmission (Joy Division cover) - Low (A slowcore cover of a fast-paced JD song; great in an entirely different way)
4. In Limbo - Radiohead
5. Arise, Awake - Paul Banks
6. Streetwalker - Delta Spirit
7. Natural Anthem - The Postal Service [Heard this on KUCR and it took me back to high school. Revisited this album, but turns out that this is the only song I still like. Someone should capitalize on the indie breakcore (MY TERM DONT STEEL) sound that this song has going on.]
8. Last Post on the Bugle - The Libertines
9. Everything Toro y Moi. So bummed that I hadn't given his stuff a listen any earlier, but so not bummed because his music is so damn good. So far I have his 2 main albums, Body Angles, and Freaking Out. If he has any other standout works I might've missed, let me know!
10. Small Time Shot Away - Massive Attack
11. Floating World - Bowery Electric
12. I Quit Girls - Japandroids (I think 50% of their appeal is the cool-ass name.)
13. Wet Hair - Japandroids
14. Heart Sweats - Japandroids
15. For Real - Okkervil River
16. A Glow - Okkervil River
17. Movement and Location - Punch Brothers (PROGRESSIVE BLUEGRASS FOO)
18. Who's Feeling Young Now - Punch Brothers
19. Kid A (Radiohead cover) - Punch Brothers (Oh, man. Do they do this song justice.)
20. Patient - Twin Shadow [Dude is making New Wave music in 2012. Or as one might call it...New New Wave (MY TErM DONT STAEL)]
21. Mirror in the Dark - Twin Shadow
22. Lines - Big Boi Ft. A$AP Rocky & Phantogram [Yeah, Big Boi had a number of indie dudes (Wavves, Phantogram, Little Dragon, on his new album so I had to give it a listen.]
23. Shoes for Running - Big Boi Ft. B.O.B. & Wavves
24. Descending - Big Boi Ft. Little Dragon (The outro track and also my favorite. It's pretty much a downtempo Little Dragon song with Big Boi saying like 2 sentences at the end.)
25. Breezeblocks - Alt-J (Besides the fact that this guy sounds like Adam Sandler in some parts of the song, a nice tune, nonetheless.)
26. Cold (entire album) - Be Forest (Serendipitously discovered this band as I came across their cover of Japandroid's 'I Quit Girls' on Youtube. They're an indie band from Italy and I've been listening to them non-stop. Sound is a delicate mixture between shoegaze and post-punk, like The Horrors.)
27. Hanged Man - Be Forest (Favorite of their songs so far.)
28. I.O. - Be Forest
29. True Love Will Find You In The End - Daniel Johnston
30. Mighty Morphin Foreskin - Captain Murphy (AKA FLYING LOTUS. AW SHIT, YOUR SECRET IDENTITY HAS BEEN COMPROMISED, MR. LOTUS. Oh, everyone already knew? Nvm :/ Anyway, the whole Duality mixtape is awesome.)

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